Congratulations! CHAS Health‘s Nurse Practitioner Residency Program is the first NP postgraduate program to be awarded pre-accreditation by NNPRFTC. CHAS, headquartered in Spokane WA, was awarded pre-accreditation September 27, 2018. Trainees in the class of 2018 are considered to have completed a pre-accredited postgraduate NP training program. CHAS’s class of 2018 finished their program in September, and all went on to full-time employment for agencies serving vulnerable, under-served populations.
Pre-accreditation is a formal designation that has national recognition. For programs in their first year, NNPRFTC pre-accreditation provides a pathway that may lead to full accreditation. Programs are eligible to apply for pre-accreditation if they meet the NNPRFTC eligibility requirements for accreditation, but their first cohort of trainees is still enrolled at the time of the site visit. Pre-accreditation may convert to accreditation during the second year if it is determined that the program is meeting outstanding requirements such as end-of-year trainee and faculty evaluations and on-going program evaluation.
CHAS Health serves more than 73,000 patients each year in the Spokane WA area and the Lewis-Clark Valley which spans WA and ID. Every year CHAS continues to grow and bring new jobs to their economy, while providing a healthcare home to more people in the Inland Northwest. The NP residency application cycle will open December 2018. Check the the CHAS website for the most current information. The year-long full-time residency program at CHAS Health includes small working group and one-on-one time with preceptors caring for CHAS Health patients as well as many continued learning didactic opportunities including:
- Suturing: Simple Closure
- Eye Exams in Primary Care
- Joint Injections
- Anticoagulation Therapy
- Anxiety and Depression: Screening, assessment, diagnosis
- Participation in a Quality Improvement Project
- And many more!