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Accreditation Salon — April 25, 2018, 2:00 pm -3:00 pm EDT

Informal Discussion and Q&A with Panel of Accreditation Experts

The Accreditation Salon will be held on Wednesday April 25, 2:00-3:00 Eastern. This is a monthly, informal panel discussion and question & answer session that is intended to respond to questions about the Consortium’s accreditation process. Participants have been representatives from programs considering accreditation as well as from programs that are currently undergoing the accreditation review […]

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Spring 2018 News Updates

Upcoming Events: Accreditation Salon and First Annual Conference

Our March Accreditation Salon will be held on Wednesday April 18th, 2:00-3:00 pm Eastern.  This is an open forum, panel discussion by experts in postgraduate NP training and experienced Consortium site visitors.  They respond to questions and issues raised by participants in the session. It’s free, just click here to register, submit your questions and or comments and […]

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First Annual NNPRFTC Conference

Exciting update about our First Annual Conference, June 25 in Denver, CO. We have reached our maximum capacity and are already thinking about our Second Annual Conference.  For more information or to be on the email list for our next conference, please contact [email protected]. The Consortium’s First Annual Conference: The Future Is Now: Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship Training, will […]

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Consortium 2018 Annual Conference

The Future Is Now: Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship Training

Join us in Denver on June 25, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm at the History Colorado Center for the First Annual Conference of The National Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship Training Consortium (“The Consortium”). The Consortium was founded in 2015 to promote the growth and spread of postgraduate NP training programs, ensure their rigor and quality through accreditation, […]

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General Membership Meeting

Spring 2018

The Consortium’s Spring General Membership Meeting will be held on February 22, 2018, 1:00 pm-2:00 pm EST. Agenda topics will include updates of interest to Consortium members such as: introductions of new NP postgrad training programs; what’s going on with regard to national legislation that impacts our members; updates on accreditation activities such as our […]

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New Consortium Benefit — Sharing and Advancing Research

NP Preparedness Survey -- Invitation and Link to E-mail to Others

The Consortium is rolling out a new membership benefit — offering our members the capability of “sharing and advancing research” (to use a phrase coined by Research Gate, a wonderful source of scientific knowledge and platform for research collaboration.)  A core mission for the Consortium is creating and disseminating knowledge about topics, ideas, and issues […]

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Accreditation Salon

Learning about the Consortium's accreditation process -- Formal and informal presentations

We have had lots of requests for more information about the accreditation application process, how to conduct and write the programmatic Self Study, how to prepare for the site visit, how accreditation decisions are made, and how the timeline works.  In response to these requests, the Consortium is going to offer a monthly “Accreditation Salon” […]

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WNCCHS Receives Programmatic Accreditation

Advanced Practice Safety Net Residency Accredited

The National Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship Consortium (NNPRFTC) is pleased to announce the programmatic accreditation of Western North Carolina Community Health Services’ (WNCCHS) Advanced Practice Safety Net Residency (APSNR), headquartered in Asheville, NC.  APSNR has been awarded programmatic accreditation for the full 3-year period.  Their current trainees will be considered to have completed an accredited program.  Click […]

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North Mississippi Medical Services’ Advanced Clinician Fellowship Program Accredited

For immediate distribution: April 17, 2017

The National Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship Consortium (NNPRFTC) is pleased to announce the accreditation of another postgraduate nurse practitioner training program: North Mississippi Medical Services’ (NMMS) Advanced Practice Clinician Fellowship (APCF), headquartered in Tupelo, Mississippi. The APCF program has been awarded programmatic accreditation for the full 3-year period.  Current trainees will be considered to have completed […]

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