The Consortium for Advanced Practice Providers offers programmatic accreditation for postgraduate nurse practitioner and joint nurse practitioner and physician associate training programs, designed by NP and PA postgraduate program directors, for NP and PA postgraduate training directors. The Consortium exists to support new and ongoing postgraduate training programs for nurse practitioners and physician associates in the achievement and maintenance of the highest standards of rigor and quality, consistent with achieving the goal of an expert healthcare workforce prepared to meet the needs of patients and the society as a whole. |

The Consortium for Advanced Practice Providers seeks to make the accreditation process as clear and streamlined as possible. Prior to applying, the Consortium advises becoming familiar with the process and the Accreditation Standards. A flow diagram and the Accreditation Fact Sheet are provided as overviews of the process. In this section, specific menu items on the left provide more detailed information and guidance on every step of the process.
Total accreditation fee for Initial Accreditation for a single training program is $11,000. This accreditation fee consists of $1,000 non-refundable application fee plus $10,000 review fee (includes technical support and site visit for ‘primary’ or ‘first’ program track). For programs with additional tracks, the total accreditation fee is $11,000 for the ‘first’ track plus $6,500 per additional track, with the possibility of further costs to reimburse travel costs if program sites are a considerable distance apart. If additional fees are determined to be necessary, they will be calculated at the current federal rate for travel costs.
The total accreditation fee for Renewal of Accreditation is $5,500. This accreditation fee consists of $1,000 non-refundable application fee plus the $4,500 review fee (includes technical support and site visit costs for ‘primary’ or ‘first’ track program). For every additional program track, there is a separate $4,500 review fee. Please review the Accreditation Renewal Diagram for the accreditation renewal process.
Applying for Accreditation
Applying for accreditation is a two-step process:
- 1. The first step is to complete and submit a “Notice of Intent to Apply” form. This opens the Accreditation application file.
- 2. The second step is to complete and submit the Application form. This starts the Accreditation process.
- Please reach out to the Consortium directly with any questions at [email protected].
Self Study
After the program completes the Application, the next step is the programmatic self study. The Consortium has several tools to assist in the self study process. The Self Study is the internal review of the program, focusing on its adherence to the Accreditation Standards. The Self-Study Guide provides step-by-step directions on the process. To assist the program in determining its adherence to the Accreditation Standards, the Consortium also provides a template for a Gap Analysis that is based on the Accreditation Standards. The Consortium offers technical support and guidance throughout the Self Study process. The findings of the program’s internal review are documented in the Self Study Report. The Self Study Report is submitted to the Consortium prior to the Site Visit. More information on the Self Study process is detailed below.
For a copy of the Self Study Guide in a Google Doc Format, please use this link to make a copy to your Google Drive. For a copy of the Self Study Guide in Microsoft Word format, please use this link to download a copy.
Site Visit
Following the program’s submission of its Self Study Report, a 1.5 day on-site visit is conducted. In preparation for the site visit, the Consortium provides various document templates to facilitate the collaborative development of the Site Visit agenda. Further information about the Site Visit is included under two menu tabs to the left: Timeline and process and Policies and Procedures.
Following the site visit, the site visitors submit their findings to the Consortium’s Accreditation Commission for consideration. This report is also provided to the program for correction of any factual errors and for the opportunity to provide commentary on the site visitors’ findings. The Accreditation Commission reviews all relevant documentation, including programmatic and public commentary, and then renders an accreditation decision. Decisions are posted on the Accreditation Status and Public Commentary tab. Additional details about the process are provided under the Policies and Procedures menu tab to the left.
The Accreditation Commission awards Initial Accreditation to programs that demonstrate full compliance with the Accreditation Standards and have not had Consortium for Advanced Practice Providers Accreditation in the immediately preceding time period. Renewal of Accreditation may be awarded to programs that have maintained compliance with the Accreditation Standards during the immediately preceding accreditation term. On rare occasions, the Accreditation Commission may decide to Defer an accreditation decision. Adverse actions by the Accreditation Commission, which will be reported to the U.S. Department of Education and other relevant bodies, are: Denial of Accreditation and Rescinding of Accreditation. At any time during an accreditation term, a program may elect Voluntary Withdrawal of Accreditation.
Self Study Process
Important: once the program reviews the Accreditation Fact Sheet and the Accreditation Standards, the program will want to assemble a team to review the Self-Study Guide. The Self Study Guide has three purposes, to: 1) describe the program; 2) document the findings regarding the degree to which the program is likely to meet the Accreditation Standards: and 3) guide the format of the Self Study Report and accompanying documentation.
In essence the Self Study is an internal review or internal evaluation of the program. It is the preparation for the external review that occurs with the on-site visit. The final step in the programmatic Self Study process is to write up the findings and submit them to the Consortium. Please contact the Consortium staff for technical support and guidance on the Self Study process.
Learn more about the Benefits of Accreditation here.
- Determine if the program is eligible for Consortium Accreditation. Institutional eligibility requirements are specified in Standard 4 of the Accreditation Standards. Programmatic requirements include a minimum of 12-months of clinically intensive training in a program that includes NP and/or PA leadership.
- If yes, download and review the Accreditation Fact Sheet and the Accreditation Standards and ask: is the program ready?
- If yes, confirm support of Institutional Leadership and $11,000 funding for Accreditation. Separate fee structure for federal programs.
- If yes, submit Notice of Intent to Apply so the Consortium can begin to support the program with the process.
- Download and review the Self-Study Guide and ask: is the program ready?
- If yes, submit the Application form, along with non-refundable application $1,000 fee.
- Schedule technical support calls with Consortium staff to monitor progress towards completion of Self Study.
- When all documentation is completed, submit Self Study Report to the Consortium Program Specialist. The Site Visit will be schedule two to three months after submission of Self Study Report.
- Full Accreditation fee of $11,000 must be paid in full prior to Site Visit.
- Schedule post-accreditation conference call to review accreditation decision.
- Continue forward with Annual Review and progress report, Interim Report, and preparation for next Accreditation cycle.
Applying for Re-accreditation
Applying for re-accreditation is a one-step process: “Application” form. This starts the Re-accreditation process.
The Application must be submitted along with the non-refundable application fee of $1,000.00. Once the Self-Study Guide is received, the date for the site visit is will be scheduled two to three months. Please reach out to the Consortium directly with any questions at [email protected].
Self Study
After the program completes the Application, the next step is to begin working on the self study. For re-accreditation, it is best to look over the previous Self Study Guide submitted for reference. The Consortium has several tools to assist in the self study process. The Self Study is the internal review of the program, focusing on its adherence to the Accreditation Standards. The Self-Study Guide provides step-by-step directions on the process. The Consortium offers technical support and guidance throughout the Self Study process. The findings of the program’s internal review are documented in the Self Study Report. The Self Study Report is submitted to the Consortium prior to the Site Visit. More information on the Self Study process is detailed below.
For a copy of the Self Study Guide in a Google Doc Format, please use this link to make a copy to your Google Drive. For a copy of the Self Study Guide in Microsoft Word format, please use this link to download a copy.
Site Visit
Following the program’s submission of its Self Study Report, a 1.5 day on-site visit is conducted. In preparation for the site visit, the Consortium provides various document templates to facilitate the collaborative development of the Site Visit agenda. Further information about the Site Visit is included under two menu tabs to the left: Timeline and process and Policies and Procedures.
Following the site visit, the site visitors submit their findings to the Consortium’s Accreditation Commission for consideration. This report is also provided to the program for correction of any factual errors and for the opportunity to provide commentary on the site visitors’ findings. The Accreditation Commission reviews all relevant documentation, including programmatic and public commentary, and then renders an accreditation decision. Decisions are posted on the Accreditation Status and Public Commentary tab. Additional details about the process are provided under the Policies and Procedures menu tab to the left.
The Accreditation Commission awards Renewal of Accreditation to programs that have maintained compliance with the Accreditation Standards during the immediately preceding accreditation term. On rare occasions, the Accreditation Commission may decide to Defer an accreditation decision. Adverse actions by the Accreditation Commission, which will be reported to the U.S. Department of Education and other relevant bodies, are: Denial of Accreditation and Rescinding of Accreditation. At any time during an accreditation term, a program may elect Voluntary Withdrawal of Accreditation.
Self Study Process
Important: once the program reviews the Accreditation Fact Sheet and the Self-Study Guide, the program will want to assemble a team to review the Self-Study Guide. The Self-Study Guide has three purposes, to: 1) describe the program; 2) document the findings regarding the degree to which the program is likely to meet the Accreditation Standards: and 3) guide the format of the Self Study Report and accompanying documentation.
In essence the Self Study is an internal review or internal evaluation of the program. It is the preparation for the external review that occurs with the on-site visit. The final step in the programmatic Self Study process is to write up the findings and submit them to the Consortium. Please contact the Consortium staff for technical support and guidance on the Self Study process.
If any questions arise, the Consortium invites you to contact us directly at [email protected]
Updated and Approved on 11/20/2024