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Accrediting the NP Postgraduate Training Program in Year One

Support for New Program Directors

Over the past several weeks I’ve had a series of very interesting conversations with colleagues who are in the midst of establishing new NP postgraduate residencies.  These are residencies and fellowships across the primary care spectrum: family, adult/gero, and two in PMHC.  Of course there are also programs in midwifery, peds, and others. We’ve talked […]

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News – Updates

News – updates for April

This last month has been mostly on the road, personally and professionally.  We have been visiting every generation of our family, including our 3 grandchildren who range in age from 12 months to 7 years.  Seeing how they change month to month reminds me of the progress that NNPRFTC is making, almost minute by minute! […]

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Updates: What’s New?

National outreach

The NACHC Policy and Issues forum occurred March 16-19 in Washington DC.  I joined two of our Board members, Margaret Flinter and Craig Kennedy, as well as several CHC staff including Kerry Bamrick, Veena Channamsetty, Kevin Massey, Daren Anderson, Agi Erickson and Patti Feeney. Hundreds of people stopped by CHC’s Weitzman Institute exhibit to learn more about […]

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