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Sea Mar Community Health Center’s Family Nurse Practitioner Residency Accredited

The National Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship Consortium (NNPRFTC) is pleased to announce the accreditation of another postgraduate Nurse Practitioner residency:  the  Sea Mar Community Health Center’s (Sea Mar) Family Nurse Practitioner Residency headquartered in Seattle WA.  Sea Mar was awarded programmatic accreditation for the full 3-year period.  The current trainees will be considered to have completed an accredited program. […]

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Join us! First Annual Conference June 25, 2018: Agenda posted

Updates: Agenda

Come join us at the Consortium’s First Annual Conference: The Future is Now, June 25, 2018 in Denver CO. Register, reserve your room, check out the agenda. Detailed information is provided below. Annual Conference: Join us at the Consortium’s First Annual Conference – The Future Is Now: Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship Training, being held in Denver CO on Monday […]

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Join us! First Annual Conference June 25, 2018: SOLD OUT!!!

Updates: Agenda

Come join us at the Consortium’s First Annual Conference: The Future is Now, June 25, 2018 in Denver CO. Register, reserve your room, check out the agenda. Detailed information is provided below. Annual Conference: The Consortium’s First Annual Conference – The Future Is Now: Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship Training, is being held in Denver CO on Monday June […]

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Join us! First Annual Conference June 25, 2018: SOLD OUT!!!

Updates: Agenda

Come join us at the Consortium’s First Annual Conference: The Future is Now, June 25, 2018 in Denver CO. Register, reserve your room, check out the agenda. Detailed information is provided below. Annual Conference: We are finalizing our preparations for the Consortium’s First Annual Conference – The Future Is Now: Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship Training, being […]

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Accreditation Eligibility Requirement: Certificate of Completion

Trainees' Successful Completion of Program Requirements

One of the best practices in postgraduate training is to provide a formal Certificate of Completion to the trainees in a program upon completion of that program’s performance requirements. The Consortium’s goal is to have accreditation Standards, policies and procedures that are based on industry best practices. In surveying our accredited programs, we found that each […]

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Survey on Preparedness for Practice and Transition to Practice

Help a Colleague -- Forward Research Survey to New NPs

One of the services that the Consortium provides is a platform for disseminating peer reviewed research findings through our Resources tab.  We are also exploring providing a mechanism for facilitating research with the following caveats.   The research be relevant to our mission, vision, goals and objectives. The research must have current, documented IRB approval. The Consortium […]

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Accreditation Salon — April 25, 2018, 2:00 pm -3:00 pm EDT

Informal Discussion and Q&A with Panel of Accreditation Experts

The Accreditation Salon will be held on Wednesday April 25, 2:00-3:00 Eastern. This is a monthly, informal panel discussion and question & answer session that is intended to respond to questions about the Consortium’s accreditation process. Participants have been representatives from programs considering accreditation as well as from programs that are currently undergoing the accreditation review […]

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Spring 2018 News Updates

Upcoming Events: Accreditation Salon and First Annual Conference

Our March Accreditation Salon will be held on Wednesday April 18th, 2:00-3:00 pm Eastern.  This is an open forum, panel discussion by experts in postgraduate NP training and experienced Consortium site visitors.  They respond to questions and issues raised by participants in the session. It’s free, just click here to register, submit your questions and or comments and […]

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First Annual NNPRFTC Conference

Exciting update about our First Annual Conference, June 25 in Denver, CO. We have reached our maximum capacity and are already thinking about our Second Annual Conference.  For more information or to be on the email list for our next conference, please contact [email protected]. The Consortium’s First Annual Conference: The Future Is Now: Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship Training, will […]

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Consortium 2018 Annual Conference

The Future Is Now: Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship Training

Join us in Denver on June 25, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm at the History Colorado Center for the First Annual Conference of The National Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship Training Consortium (“The Consortium”). The Consortium was founded in 2015 to promote the growth and spread of postgraduate NP training programs, ensure their rigor and quality through accreditation, […]

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