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A Balanced Life

The Challenge of Modeling Wellness

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

Erene Stergiopoulos is an author, an educational researcher, a decade-long cancer patient and now a third-year medical student at the University of Toronto. She recently wrote about the cloak of superhuman invulnerability that is worn by many in the helping professions.  Erene expressed eloquently how experiencing life as a patient has informed her view of healthcare and had […]

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“That’s how the light gets in”

Accreditation Shines a Light on Opportunities

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

Sundials work when sunlight creates a shadow, thereby allowing us to tell time. Light and shadow are equally important.  Without the shadow, the sundial doesn’t work. Similarly, accreditation shines a light on what works, it is an overall indicator of excellence.  Equally important, accreditation is a mechanism for acknowledging the shadows — identifying areas that […]

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Meaningful Conversations

The 3 C’s: Compassion, Confidence and Competence

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

It doesn’t matter if one is negotiating an international peace agreement, conducting an accreditation self study, giving feedback to a preceptor, or offering suggestions to a novice trainee, the communication goal is threefold: to advance the conversation, to hear and be heard accurately, and to have a functional exchange between the participants.  James Ryan, Dean […]

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Super Bowl: Preparation Results in Nimble Pivots and Overtime Win

SWOT Analysis – Preparing for Nimble Pivots and Success

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

Mid-winter is a time of end-of-season rivalries and celebrations (or not!), analysis and reflection, planning and implementation. This past weekend, the 51st Super Bowl had a nail-biting, historic overtime win, complete with a half-time sky diving diva, heroic vindication, familial dedication, awkward award moments, and a stolen jersey.  The Patriot’s 4th quarter come-from-behind victory is emblematic of […]

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1980 Hockey Olympic Dream Team — Miracle on Ice

Self Study -- Characteristics of an effective group

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

As a student at the University of Wisconsin, I had some appreciation of the importance of hockey as a fast, hard-hitting game of endurance and strategy.  But I came to appreciate hockey as an example of disciplined and rigorous team work, resilience, almost psychic communication, and exquisite timing during the 1980 Olympics.   As the US Hockey […]

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Lessons Learned from Cleaning Closets and Getting Organized

Self Study Energizes and Informs Your Program

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

Welcome to the inaugural posting in a new series exploring the purpose of the self study in the accreditation process. I recently read Marie Kondo’s quirky best sellers: “the life-changing magic of tidying up; the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing” and the sequel “spark joy”.  They are fun, easy reads, full of anthropomorphic observations and […]

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Weaving Excellence into Training Programs

Standard 8 -- Trainee Services

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

This is the final posting in the series: Consortium Accreditation Standards. The next posts will be exploring Self Studies. The Accreditation Standard 8 — Trainee Services focuses on ensuring that the trainee is fully embraced and supported as a highly qualified member of the professional healthcare community.  All of which got me to thinking about community, […]

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