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Accreditation — Standard 2 Curriculum — Learning Objectives

SMART objectives

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

I had been struggling with how to present the topic of learning objectives…  actually I’d been actively avoiding it for weeks.  The house sparkled, professional articles were read, novels finished, gardens weeded, family vacations planned, family and friends visited, desk cleared, new to-do-list begun… You get the idea. I wrote and deleted at least five […]

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Accreditation — Standard 2 Curriculum cont’d

Curriculum Design -- Design backwards; Deliver forward

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

This will wrap up our discussion of the concept of curriculum. Future blogs will address objectives within the curriculum and how to crosswalk these concepts with the unique identity of your training program. Then we will move on to the subsequent Standards. Let’s briefly review what we’ve covered so far: The curriculum is the map […]

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Accreditation — Standard 2 Curriculum

Translating the Standards into Practice

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

We will spend several weeks exploring Standard 2: Curriculum – Program Curriculum and Structure.  This week we will focus on the definition and role of curriculum.  Next week we will address how to design an effective curriculum.  After that we will explore how to crosswalk programmatic curriculum with the Standards.I love this quote from Mahatma Gandhi: “Live […]

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Accreditation — Compassionate Awareness

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

I had written two other posts for this week. One about the summer solstice; the presence of life-giving light and possibilities for celebration. The other about Standard 2: Curriculum; its definition and its role as the foundation for a training program. However, after the terrorist shootings this week in Orlando and France, I’m going to save […]

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Compassion in Action


by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

It has happened again. The Consortium’s first blog was written in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Brussels. This weekend the carnage was in Orlando. One more pointless tragedy that is incomprehensible and all too real. One person’s destructive violence ricocheted through the lives of so many others causing death, irrevocable harm and permeating […]

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Accreditation Standard 1: Mission, Goals and Objectives

What are they and why are they important?

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

In preparing to write this blog, I looked up the definitions and synonyms of mission.  I was especially interested in the difference between “mission” and “vision”.  Here is what I found.  The Business Dictionary.com offers these definitions: A mission statement is: “A written declaration of an organization’s core purpose and focus that normally remains unchanged over time. Properly crafted mission statements (1) serve […]

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