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Introduction to Series – Accreditation Standards as Signposts in Program Development

Accreditation: Path to Programmatic Excellence

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

When the Cheshire Cat asked Alice where she wanted to go, she answered: “I don’t much care where–” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat. “–so long as I get SOMEWHERE,” Alice added as an explanation. “Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat, “if you only walk long enough.” (Lewis Carrol) Program development can seem […]

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It’s a Small World for NP Training Programs

6 Degrees of Separation and 3 Degrees of Influence

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

First a brief history:  In 1929 the Hungarian writer Frigyes Karinthy published in a short story called “Chains” describing how everyone on the planet is connected through their acquaintances.  Karinthy speculated that there were no more than five connections between any two people.Throughout the 20th century, researchers tried unsuccessfully to prove the theory of six degrees […]

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Accreditation: When leaders face difficult decisions

Credibility, Trust and Safety

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

The news in DC last week was full of stories about major public institutions and public figures and their credibility or lack thereof, safety or lack thereof, and trust or lack thereof.  There were two consistent questions: “Were they adhering to their core beliefs and ‘doing the right thing’?”  and “What would the consequences be?” […]

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Interprofessionalism — the DNA of NPs

Blinding Flash of the Obvious (BFO)

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

Before joining the Consortium, I spent about 20 years in academic medical education, working on medical school curriculum, faculty development, and residency training.  Then in 2005 I shifted to the nonprofit association world, and joined the Consortium in late 2015.  One of my colleagues from a previous nonprofit association introduced me to the concept of […]

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Musings on Accreditation: the Paradox of Change

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

I’ve just returned from the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors’ spring conference in Chicago.  The theme of the conference was consistency and fairness in accreditation.  It was inspiring — filled with collegial exchanges, shared best practices, and thought-provoking presentations. I was welcomed to Chicago by a glorious spring day:  windy, sunny and 72 º.  […]

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Musings on Accreditation: More on Promises

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

Last week the cherry blossoms were at their peak.  The promise of spring was visible in the cotton candy clouds of soft pink and bright white that topped the trees. Yesterday harsh winds tore through the region and now the ground is littered with petals. My bird feeder lies broken, half way across the lawn.  […]

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Musings on Accreditation: Promise and Beauty

by Brennah McKee-Dallaire

Hello. Welcome to the National Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship Training Consortium’s blog. I am Dr. Candice Rettie, the Executive Director of the Consortium. Spring began officially this week. Forsythia are in full bloom and the cherry blossoms are at their peak here in Washington DC. Migratory birds are returning to their summer breeding grounds. […]

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